- General Information
  - Transportation
  - Venue
     - Korea
     - Seoul
     - Coex
  - Social Tour


  Seoul,a bustling city of approximately 10.1 million residents , is located at 126 degrees east longitude and at 37 degrees north latitude. The total area of Seoul is 605.52 square kilometers , or 0.6 percent of the entire country. The expansion of the city has been curbed since the last administrative reorganization in 1973. The lifestyles of Seoul citizens, however, have been influenced since the 1970's by to the rapid growth of satellite cities around the capital area.

  Seoul belongs to the Temperate Zone featuring four distinctive seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The yearly average temperature of Seoul is 12.2 degrees Celsius. Temperatures in Seoul show large seasonal variation, reaching as high as 38.4 degrees Celsius in the summer and dropping as low as minus 19.2 degrees Celsius in the winter. Influenced by the North Pacific high-pressure system, Seoul has hot and humid summers with average temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius from June through September.

For more information, please visit the following websites.

Organized by ICROS(Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems)
Bucheon Techno Park 401-1506, 193, Yakdae-Dong, Wonmi-Gu, Bucheon-City, Gyeonggi-Do, 420-734, Korea
Phone : +82-32-234-5801/ Fax : +82-32-234-5807/ E-mail : conference@icros.org